Wednesday, June 6, 2007

We the living!!!

Today I saw parts of Mr & Mrs Iyer again ...Its a well made film and all that...But this time it made me wonder about things that I generally forget about and take for granted....Like will I die because I am a Hindu?...U read it right...not heart attack or cancer....or even an accident...Well the answer is even weirder than the question....Maybe I will!!......Who knows?......There can be riots/blasts etc ........

We are living in an age when one can actually die because of a reason totally out of his/her control....I didnt do anything special to be a hindu was just the way it is......a law of nature/turn of fate one might even say.....

I actually can die someday because of that!...No matter how many times I repeat it.....It still does not stop sounding ridiculous and( a bit funny too if u think about it)......I mean DIE??....DIE???....Denied the right to breathe/be happy/have a family/play/learn/work/exist/be a grandmother someday/smell the flowers/see the rainbow/eat pani puri./read a book/dance/ short denied or rather cut short the right to LIVE....and Why?.... because of a fact I had absolutely no control over!.......

Everyone is busy talking about chemical warfare/biological warfare/nuclear warfare.....Now all these take tremendeous amont of money from both warring sides......But in case of "religious warfare" as we see around us life is a cheap commodity....

About the term "Religious warfare"....Now thats wat I call an oxymoron!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey you write well.And it's a delight to see someone thinking of all these issues.
Agreed that you did not choose your religion by choice but you are just born into it.But over a period of time it grows on us like karl marx once told"religion is the opium of masses" and either consciously or or unconsciously we do lot of things which gives immense power to religion which can be misused in every way.
And don't you think the perfect solution would be non existence of religion or the religious power houses like temple,church etc etc.,
The last question would be is religion at all necessary.

iFan said...

hey i was searching review on Mr & Mrs Iyer and i landed here...

read ur post and now i am curious 2 watch d movie...will post back my views soon...

Unknown said...

What I think is it is a sin to be an Hindu in this Country of secularism..